Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Making Money with a Digital Camera

So you want to know how to make money with a digital camera? Let me tell you about my Uncle Pete. Not only does he make money but he has his own digital photography business. And he started it just a couple of years ago in his late fifties. He loves it so much that he is like a little kid again.

He started making money with a digital camera by selling his photos to stock agencies online. He found out exactly what were the best selling photographs these agencies sold and then he went out took those types of pictures. He was making a few extra grand a month. But this wasn't enough for him. Not with his new found youthfulness.

He decided to go into the digital wedding photography business. He wasn't sure if there was a market share for him so he decided to do it on the cheap. He got on his computer and made inexpensive flyers that simply said:

Uncle Pete - Wedding Photographer

For the best photos and best rates

Call Uncle Pete.

(And below his name he put his phone number.)

That was it. Then he paid a couple of high school students to deliver them door to door. He also plastered these flyers on every community bulletin board he could find - laundromats, grocery stores, community centers etc.

After he got his first few digital wedding photography jobs he expanded his marketing and advertising. He began advertising in the different local community newspapers. These usually come out once a month and a single ad costs about 25 to 30 dollars.

Before my uncle realized what happened his whole spring and summer were booked with weddings. He couldn't believe all the work he had. He had to hire an assistant.

And not only that, but the quality of his work was so good that through the word of mouth of his customers he will be booked for weddings for the next 2 to 3 years even if he doesn't bother to advertise anymore.

My Uncle Pete has told me that it has never been better making money with a digital camera than now. There are so many different ways - stock photography, weddings, real estate photography, portraits, travel, greeting cards, websites - the list just goes on and on.

But my Uncle Pete did give me one piece of advice that he said was important. He told me - start small but think big.

(c) All rights reserved.

Charlie Warwick is a freelance writer and researcher. To find out more about how to Making Money with a Digital Camera.

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