Review on What to Look For in a Digital Camera
Are you considering a digital camera but are not sure if the time has come? Have you already gone digital are looking for the Best Digital Cameras and Reviews on them?The following article will help. But before we begine, also be aware of our digital camera calculators - they make the job of finding the best digital cameras easy and fun. You can also visit our digital camera comparison charts to search and view cameras by price, brand, or features. Now on to the good stuff!
If you are looking for the best digital cameras - or trying to see if you are ready for digital - first ask yourself a few questions. The following questions and subsequent pages will act as your very own digital camera buyers guide. With it, you will find your way through the labyrinth of decisions necessary in selecting the camera that's right for you.
The First Big Question - To Digital or Not To Digital
![]() The Canon 10D Digital SLR Camera |
If, on the other hand, you simply want to get images into your computer for various reasons, and especially if you want to print big images, you may be happier using a film or flatbed scanner rather than a camera.
The reason is simple: a camera is like a scanner except that it only has a split second to get all the information. A scanner, on the other hand, usually has a minute or more to soak in the information needed to make a high quality, large print. A digital camera is like a scanner on the go; its value lies in its instantaneous capture, the money saved on film and developing, and its ease of use.
The Next Big Questions for Finding the Best Digital Camera
![]() The Nikon Coolpix 5700 Digital Camera |
- What are you looking to accomplish? What are your goals? Do you want to simply document the life and times of your family, for example, or do you fancy yourself become a digital artist?
- Do you want to print your images? In large sizes? (Look for high resolution)
- If you are going to print, what kind of output device (i.e. printer) will you be using and what are its resolution requirements? (Again, look for resolution)
- Do you only see yourself publishing your images on the Web or emailing them to friends? (You don't need much resolution - don't worry about it)
- Will you be taking this digital camera to Europe or around the world? (Look for lots of storage)
- Do you own a laptop? (Look for a CompactFlash or other PCMCIA storage device)
- As taught in our Top Ten Tips, the cardinal rule in photography is to move in close to your subject. Will you always able to get very close to your subject? (If not, be sure to get a digital camera with a good telephoto zoom lens)
- Will you be taking pictures of small items like stamps, coins, bugs, flowers, etc? (Look for a digital camera with a macro feature)
- Do you already own Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? (Then you might want to just get a camera with a Photoshop plug-in)
- Do you prefer shooting digital photos over reworking them on the computer? (Then you might want to go for a camera with a popular, easy-to-use software program)
- Do you foresee yourself shooting at night, at concerts, indoors, or in other low-light situations? (Then get a camera with flexible over sensitivity or ISO equivalents)
- Do you foresee yourself shooting sports, fashion, or anything else that moves quick? (Then get a camera with a fast burst rate)
- Do you want to make sure that the money you save on film and developing doesn't just end up getting spent on batteries? (Then you might want to get a camera with rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries or some such similar set-up)
- How much money do you have to spend? (Look for a bank that will refinance your home...)