Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Single-use Cameras Capture The Moment

While a good picture may be worth a thousand words, it sometimes takes more than one camera to snap it. That's the word from many of the 60 percent of Americans who own digital cameras. A recent survey found that 90 percent of digital-camera users have kept a single-use camera handy to serve as backup should the batteries or memory fail on their more expensive camera.

Of course, there are other times when a single-use camera can be helpful as well. For instance, because the cameras are relatively inexpensive, you can hand them out to guests at events. More photographers means more vantage points and better pictures. Also, many parents would rather not hand their expensive digital camera over to their child to let him or her take pictures. But with a less expensive single-use camera, you can let Junior snap away.

New Technologies

Advances in technology have made single-use cameras better than ever. For example, the new Kodak HQ Maximum Versatility Single-Use Camera uses one of the best films on the market. Easy to use and portable, it delivers high-definition pictures in sunlight and in low light with complete clarity. Here are some other single-use camera ideas:

• A Day in the Life-Give kids a single-use camera and let them take pictures for grandma and grandpa. When you take the cameras to be developed, check off the box to get a Picture CD with all of your images. Then have your child use the CD to create a book, using either the prints or the digital images, with captions.

• A Night Out-Bring a handful of single-use cameras out with some friends and let everyone start snapping away. Then make plans for a picture swap the next week.

• Welcome to the World-Include a single-use camera in a baby gift bag to make sure new parents always have an easy to use backup camera to capture those first precious moments.

• Take it Outside-Take your kids to a nature preserve or state park and give each one a single-use camera.

• The Visual Family Tree-Hand out single-use cameras at the next family reunion and get the pictures developed before the reunion ends. Not only can everyone take prints from the day, but they can also use the CD to share the pictures online and create photo albums, calendars, mugs and posters.