Monday, July 2, 2007

Super CCD technology moves digital camera image quality closer to film

High-end photographers and hobbyists have resisted the digital wave, due to the superior image quality produced by film cameras. A new technology from Fuji may change that over the next few years. The company’s new 6.2-megapixel FinePix F700 camera uses a new CCD technology that doubles the number of pixels on the CCD, giving the camera four times the dynamic range found in previous generations. The F700 will retail for $599.99.


* Digital cameras have become a phenomenon in the photography world.
* They are small, easy to use and make sharing photos simple and fun.
* However, one problem we've seen with digital is the often inferior quality of the photos.
* The company's proprietary Super CCD SR technology helps improve image quality and is now available in the company's new FinePix F700.
* Digital Highlighting If you're an avid digital photographer, you may have noticed that the highlights and shadows of your images are never completely true to life.
* This is due to the camera's limited dynamic range.
* Since you love those kids, you want to make sure they're the subject of the picture, with the beautiful scenery as background.
* Fujifilm's answer to this is the Super CCD SR (Super Dynamic Range) which is, as of this writing, the first and only 6.2 million-pixel digital camera available for the consumer market.
* Double The Fun The Super CCD SR technology doubles the number of pixels found on a typical CCD chip.
* It uses two types of octagonal pixels, which are arranged in what Fujifilm calls a double-honeycomb structure.
* Larger, high-sensitivity S-pixels sit below smaller, lower-sensitivity R-pixels.
* Fuji also designed SR so that the photodiodes (particles of semiconductor material that detect light and convert it to electricity) in each pixel are bigger--which, in turn, makes the dynamic range almost four times greater than before.
* The camera combines the data from both the S- and R-pixels to produce an image that lets you see your kids and the Grand Canyon clear as a bell.
* We could see every particle of snow, every bump and shadow.
* The F700 also has a combined 6.6x zoom capability with a 3x optical zoom and 2.2x digital zoom.