Friday, October 5, 2007

Lunafire Productions Releases a Video Tutorial for the Olympus C-8080 Digital Camera

Louisville, KY (PRWEB) June 2, 2006 -- Just released, Lunafire Productions, Inc. is announcing the availability of it's first digital camera tutorial, the Olympus C-8080WZ Tutorial. The tutorial will walk you through each of the menus on the camera and then give you detailed guidance on using the settings to take real pictures.

"I had a tough time learning all the details of my new camera, and after spending six months reading the manual and searching the internet for more details, I could quickly take awesome pictures of most any subject.", said Warren Philpot,"and after seeing how many questions were still being asked by C-8080 users, I decided to create a video tutorial."

Also included on the video are detailed instructions on using photo editing software to solve tough exposure problems. According to Warren, one of the producers at Lunafire Productions, the video is geared toward both the novice camera user and the advanced user wanting to learn all of the details offered by the camera.

One of the most valuable assets any C-8080 user can own is this video to ensure full understanding of the controls. Lunafire Productions, Inc. is offering the C-8080 Tutorial video at the sale price of $42.95. The video is available at the Lunafire Web Store. For more information or to obtain a copy of the video, go to the Lunafire website and visit the store.